Moon Jogger Rankings

Universal Rankings

As you move through the rankings of Moon Joggers Universal Tour, be sure to get an official ranking tag/button each ranking your achieve!  See how many you collect as we journey through our solar system!   


Our Moon Joggers Universal Tour started in 2013 with our Mission to the Moon and will end in when we’ve reached all of the planets in our solar system.  Your ranking is according to the total miles you’ve logged on our Moon Joggers mileage log since you joined, whether it be January 1, 2013 or today,  your total miles is the ranking you’re at!  

Currently we’ve got tags for the rankings of Moon Jogger, Space Ranger and Cadet!  These are like military dog tags and you’ll receive a tag, along with a bib showing which ranking you are at.Tags and Buttons

Once you’ve passed Cadet status, you can start ordering ranking buttons.  These buttons can be attached to the ribbon of the medal we are in at the time you reached that ranking.  For example, if you reach the ranking of Officer and then Ensign during our Meet Me On Mars mission, you can order both ranking buttons and attach them to your ribbon on your Meet Me On Mars medal.  See how decorated you will become as you move up the rankings (buttons do not come with bibs).

If you would like to go back and order buttons for all of the rankings you have already passed, that is totally fine as well.  

So far you can order up to LIEUTENANT button.  We will add higher rankings throughout the year.



We have moved to a new site! Check out all of our virtual events HERE!