Add a Virtual Race and Watch Your Sign-ups Grow

Add a Virtual Race and Watch Your Sign-ups Grow

Why add a virtual race as an option to your already established running event? The answers to that question are related to building your brand and growing your participant base year over year.

Both of those objectives can be addressed by first looking at what type of runner registers for virtual runs, and secondly, by recognizing the explosion in popularity of virtual events and respecting them as reputable running institutions.

There is a wide range of types who register for these unconventional races; from the self-conscious beginner to the seasoned runner who simply doesn’t like crowds. Some virtual runners have difficulty with traveling to a race location, while others desire the added incentive of a cool virtual medal to help celebrate personal goals or reach specific training levels as they prepare for bigger events.

Virtual race medals are some of the best bling out there. Virtual organizations such as Moon Joggers and their sister company, Virtual Run Events, are continually setting the bar with medal concepts, working in conjunction with the talented art team at Running Awards & Apparel.

Cool medals notwithstanding, this company is also a master at raising charitable funds for some very worthy causes. You can check out their chosen charities here.  Having a great cause behind your virtual race is another way to attract more runners to sign up, as many people want to feel they are a part of something special.

super momShown: Moon Jogger’s Medal for the Mother’s Day 5K – Running 4 Your Super Mom, raising funds for Vitamin Angels

From all accounts, planning a virtual race may be simpler than that of a road or trail race with a true start and finish line. No extra parking is needed for these participants, no additional portable toilets and no extra refreshments at your pavilion. The list of benefits goes on.

Most importantly, recent trends show that offering additional sign-up options to your customer base will attract more runners to participate, year over year. Because virtual races are less costly to host, they are also typically less costly to sign up for, which is another attractive incentive to many runners. So, give your runners this fun, popular and less costly option by adding a virtual race to your event menu and watch your participation numbers grow!

About Kathy Toynbee: Event Specialist and Marketing Manager with Running Awards & Apparel, a leading supplier of race medals, awards, and apparel for the running event industry.




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We have moved to a new site! Check out all of our virtual events HERE!